masthead image - an open book



Player Active
2 Jun 15 - 7 May 16



I'm more alive than your future.

She had a color for every place she wanted to be
Grey was her hometown
Far and distant from the rest.

There was a faceless card in the deck that only a few were foolish enough to play. @130story

The scuba diver told his wife about the ghost fish.
She had a saltwater phobia, so he could never take her out to 'sea'.

You can't fix stupid. Save yourself.
@130story #sixwords

He had saved enough, right around the time the newly improved and more expensive version came out. @130story

Apple-red lips
Pouting under the limelight
Touching lonely hearts

@130story (APPLE)
#Darktale (TOUCH)

There was long line at the DMV. A tattooed girl waited in front of him. At least there was something to read. @130story