masthead image - an open book



Player Active
27 Feb 16 - 26 Jun 20



He wasn’t alone, the haunted reflection gazed right back through him.


Sometimes he wished to delete the past with just a click, as on his so-called history. But today that was all he had the cared for


Not an exact equation
For at home staycation
Is it even mathematics?
Endorphin mix with physics
Happy=time/effort +choc+nut+raisin


Those well worn tracks suddenly just stopped.

Driving became erratic
It’d happened automatic
Tied a leg behind his back
Then it rode up his ...
Silly Billy’s made of elastic


The mumuration of starlings carried on regardless, their social distancing a feat of awe and wonder as always.


First recorded poultry farmer Eve kept all her chickens in one basket. Well what else would you do with one!


Charles Ed was head
Of a family of Evans’
Brought to prominence
During the elevenses
By noon disappeared
In a display of evanesce
