masthead image - an open book



Player Active
15 Jul 17 - 10 Sep 22



Don't want to go and worry you
Actually I really really want to
Not it's anything too horrible
Just dangers make you less valuable
Microwaves may cook your brain
Multi media will drive you insane
Swim in the sea and it's full of poo
And bed bugs are slowly eating you


Take me aboard Scotty
Captain Kirk was very drunk
Upload me now Scotty
Smoking some sort of junk
Beam me up Scotty
Materialised with a klunk
You're so snotty Scotty
Please is all it took to jump


It was a busy day in Parliament
There was no voting whatever
Whole place had gone funkadelic
Bootsy Collins ace with the base
George Clinton had his freak on
Parliament finally in the groove
You ain't with it if don't approve
Let's all go into funkadelic space


The scientists gathered in a circle
Had found something exceptional
Looked down on a strange thing
Looking examining and frowning
Round thing very ugly very purple
Looking up it gave a little burble
Then ate without any mastication
Giving The People Eater indigestion


Never give lady in your life
Option of a box of chocolates
If can somehow manage it
A nice tasty fried tarantula
Might be brave and take a bite
Didn't think taste quite right
Would never ever forgive you
Neither would that tarentula


Option” by PaulPJB, 9 Jun 22

I am Mr Smooth
Do you approve
I am the clean machine
You know me
You know what I am
You know what I've been
Do you know me all
Do you hear me call
I am that Mr Smooth
In my dirty undies
Dirty inner self
Needing a good clean


Into town had just mossied in
Face perfect description of sin
Was Big Bad Ebeneezer McGraw
Dirty look would mean certain war

A gun draw he would always win
For the best always to avoid him
Was baddest baddie in here town
In his pink fluffy dressing gown


Whenever you switch on the news
Dropping into the deep deep blues
Threatening to blow your soul away
If dispairingly sit, stare and dispair
Think that you're fair and you care
If not your just full of empty energy
