masthead image - an open book



Player Active
2 Sep 13 - 28 Oct 14


Earlybird! 5!

A colony of wanderers. Together to find food, but whether playing in the sun or cosied up to keep warm they had gained much more. @130story

A cruel chuckle slowed to silence as he watched his plan backfire. Outwitted by his rival, he knew the table was about to turn. @130story

Weeks of meticulous planning, the big result...nothing. He had followed everything to the letter, but his final chance was gone. @130story

Knocked sideways, she found herself back in the street. Reality, where thinking must be rational in order to conform. Boring! @130story

Impulsively and without direction they all began to run. Birds scattered as the herd ripped through the landscape. STAMPEDE! @130story

In a daze, she stood perfectly still as people bustled around her. Her stare was without focus, making everything invisible. @130story