masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

@130story Laughing, he reloaded. Regarding their victim with something approaching pity, she eagerly held out her hand and said, "My turn!"

Near the end of the dedication service they noticed the letter-cutter had changed the 'T' of Tucker. Never forget to pay people! @130story

My dearest A,
I can't go on like this. We were never meant to be together and too much keeps us apart.
Yours always,

Weeks of meticulous planning, the big result...nothing. He had followed everything to the letter, but his final chance was gone. @130story

..a blur...he strayed to close...Control crumpled, head impaled then retracted off Syra's rigid digit..."my turn now" she murmured @130story

@130story The diagnosis had taken much, but it had also allowed this moment. Posting his resignation, he smiled imagining his boss' reaction

He improved lives, but his indescretions would destroy him. Jen threw the envelope out of her car window. Would fate post it? @130story

Letter” by jtruk, 5 Sep 13

She held it a little too tightly, looking at her own name. Even knowing exactly what was in it, she couldn't stand opening it yet @130story