masthead image - an open book


(4 stories)

They fought in the same war.
The same battles.
The same goals.

Because she won,
Diana's story was told to all;
Of friendship, of redemption, and of love.

Because she lost,
Ilona's side will never be heard;
Lost friends, mistakes, and unrequited love.

Bob's Unhappy List #14
People who get on a train, tram or bus without waiting for people to get off first. #130story


I have a gnome
Called Terry
Always grumpy
No pleasing him
Don't you hate that
Perpetually unhappy
Garden accessory
Miserable little git


He was unhappy
Minister of Happiness
He couldn't tax it
How, they asked
Vote loser, they said
And me he thought
No taxes or crumpet
Why is life so bad