masthead image - an open book



Player Active
1 Oct 13 - 7 Aug 14


Earlybird! 5!

Whilst his intention was clear and his motivation was apparent, the deed would be impossible, he was as well equipped as a steer. @130story

He'd whipped cream through the night, years of practice had led to a single moment. The dyslexic chef had made a chocolate mouse. @130story

Black italian loafers, fine white shirt, freshly pressed. The blue tie, the powerful one. He was about to take one for the team. @130story

The convulsions stopped more quickly than usual, distant smells became close, the feeling was visceral, it was time to feast. @130story

We'd travelled for days. We were told it was a long straight road then we'd be safe. As the darkness came, the road began to wind. @130story