masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

He retained his sanity by focusing on taming mice that entered the cell by an unseen route - the same route he would use to escape @130story

Mouse” by hill79, 24 Feb 14

You're saying this thing had tiny shoes? And not only could it dance, it could sing, too? What did they give you in old Amsterdam? @130story

Mouse” by edbroom, 24 Feb 14

Go ahead, judge a book by the film. I saw Stuart Little 700 times, no joke. Each one a joy. And the book? Blew my socks clean off! @130story

Fred tapped his mouse frantically but the screen was blue 'have you tried turning it on and off again?' Said a voice on the phone @130story

She got out her laptop.
"Not using a mouse now?"
"No, prefer the touchpad" she replied.
Damn. That's why his bug hadn't worked.

He'd whipped cream through the night, years of practice had led to a single moment. The dyslexic chef had made a chocolate mouse. @130story

The mouse scampered across the floor stopping briefly to look at him. It had finally come to this, even the mice were leaving him @130story

Terror gave way to confusion as Jason coaxed his mother down from the table and clarified that the new mouse was for his PC. @130story

She padded lightly through the halls, then froze, one paw still held in the air as her ears flicked and her eyes darted. A mouse. @130story