masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Dave's new password abc123 was denied. Too short and missing a symbol and capital. He only got the rules after he broke them. #130story

Offered her a daisy
Attached via chain rope
Smiled saying,its hishi-kikkou time
Denying wasn't allowed
#VerseAngel #130story #WrittenRiver

Dave's new password abc123 was denied. Too short and missing a symbol and capital. He only got the rules after he broke them. #130story

A feeding frenzy
What wasn't allowed
Denied burning flame
Lust overtakes
In savage brutality
#orjay #WrittenRiver #130story #NO2Rape

Suspect admits the crime and we have evidence, but have denied them of all charges. Sergeant lacked conviction in his convicting.

Newlywed Pam, back in court, claimed to know nothing of bigamy allegations. Local paper went with:
Bride, Retried, Denied She Lied