masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

‘Look, the reality is that we have people depending on us to sort this mess out. Not just our families and friends, but the whole nation. I can’t afford for you to be less than 100%. You have to be honest - are you in or out?’ she asked. #130story


A gravitational liquidity
A chemical soup
Your brain constructs
Including time into reality
Time, The Universe and everything
I'm sorry

Reality shows suck. I mean look what happened in the US of bad hAir in recent years. #130story

Reality - a place you all know
A place where you seldom go
Virtuality - a consuming place
Where your soul will never leave a trace
Reality is where your days will end
When virtuality sends you around the bend

Yorkshire, Tetleys or even breakfast tea at a push. Never oooolong or green. They aren't real teas. #130story