masthead image - an open book


(3 stories)

What's Derek doing now?
Why Tom, what's up?
He's walking up and down the street with a long pole, stopping the residents.
I think it's part of his lockdown strategy, you know, two metres and the three tiers.
Well, it's all bound to end in tears Sharon!
Yours or his?

Billy and Betty Barmy their barrister in defence
Zero danger to fellow neighbourhood residents
So they both walked round in a dog suit
To himself they both looked rather cute
Always had poo bags so as not to give offence
Doggy style now seems a social incongruence


The local resident society became sick of Mickey peddling drugs. Police couldn't gather actual evidence to convict him. Twice he evaded justice.
Tam, Frank and John took matters into their own hands. Captured and injected him with his own stash.

Justice served. RIP