masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

He was a changed man. That mild spate of murders, robberies and illicit crimes were behind him now. He had turned over a new leaf. @130story

Leaf” by TeeOhBee, 11 Oct 13

Her blue veined, tissue hands, like autumn leaves, showed the shadow of a life lived freely. @130story

Sarah didn't believe that occult nonsense, but as she swilled her tea dregs she found herself wondering what the leaves might say. @130story

Leaf” by hill79, 12 Oct 13

Leafing through the hairdressing magazine, she spotted the style & hair colour to complete her transformation & evade the hunters. @130story

Quarrelling with stony obstacles, tumbling waters babbled beneath shadows cast by the overarching leafage of giants of the forest. @130story

Leaf” by ggarchar, 11 Oct 13

With one bound he was free! The flaw in the evil villain's plot was the use of daisy chains to bind him to the railway track. @130story