masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

He could smell salt on the air - this could mean only one thing, beach, tail wagging in anticipation nose pressed to car window @130story

Their silver trails painted across the new kitchen floor, without a trace of guilt she twisted the lid from 'sprinkle' to 'pour' @130story

They told strangers Ron was "the salt of the earth." But strangers noticed his earthiness seemed to have an odour of the grave.

‘Well, me Old Salt, shiver me timbers, yez got yersel a new parrot?’ ‘Oh Yessss Dahling, meet Tarquin, he keeps me balanced..' @130story

At last it was his: 18,000 sachets of salt, 26,000 sachets of vinegar, and the galaxy’s largest battered cod. @130story

Stopped, Anton lost track.
So another lost topic?