masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Will agonised over his GCSE subjects before choosing sociology, Urdu, biology, Japanese, English, chemistry, tourism and Spanish. #130story

The King subjects his subjects to his views on many subjects. The subjects remain subjective, subject to continuing prosperity. #130story

Fought for king and country
But he really did object
His conscience lay heavy
The rest of his life
He was a most loyal subject.

As she waited nervously for him to arrive, she rehearsed the subjects they could discuss safely...without giving her secret away. #130story

As she waited nervously for him to arrive, she rehearsed the subjects they could discuss safely...without giving away her secret. #130story

As one of the queen's subjects
You may find it abject
But for Bill it's no wrench
He's abandoning blighty
To live avec the French.