masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

Last night's argument niggled at her as she buttered her toast. How DARE he call her immature! She licked the knife, defiantly. @130story

Knife” by hill79, 21 Jan 14

The lorry jack-knifed on the ice, shedding its precious cargo across the carriageway in a kaleidoscopic deluge of Angry Birds hats @130story

Parsons was polishing. Silvo fumes clogged the room. He looked daggers at her. The Duchess has invited how many? Knives were out. @130story

Knife” by edbroom, 22 Jan 14

Mother and son. Trembling hands. Black eye. Hidden suitcase. Window of opportunity. Slammed door. Bus stop. 15 years. Worm turned. @130story

Arm raised, knife poised, Susie inhaled & savoured the fleeting scent of power & danger before opening yet another envelope. @130story

Knife” by DigiBex, 21 Jan 14