masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

Damn! Torch has died. How will we see animals coming to get us in the dark?
It's ok, a bright, burning thing is coming... Argh! @130story

Watching the aspirin fizz gently at the bottom of his glass, he tried to remember when the headaches had started. @130story

Breath” by hill79, 19 Aug 15

Once I saw that Apollo 11 guy chatting to Cheryl Baker, I had the idea. Let's play Fizz Buzz! In a tough game, Mr Aldrin came 2nd. @130story

"Snap, crackle, pop, fizz..." Although the alchemists were regular rent payers, Deb was fed up with replacing goo-soaked carpets. @130story

The chemicals started to fizz
Smoke twisted and curled upwards
Carrying within the toxins that would alter genes
For some