masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

The clarion was heard far and wide
So loud, it left nowhere to hide
Don't use tried, tested and true
It must be new

It was drinks all round at the Inn O'Vation
Jim had sold his vintage playstation
To a collector with more money than sense-ation #130story

The Director General was getting above himself renaming the Department for Enterprise, Innovation, Trade and Youth #130story

'Innovation. How can I be innovative when I'm watched every which way I turn?I'll show them creativity' she grinned mischievously #130story

For my birthday, I asked for a Stevie Wonder album but Mum got me a whale song CD.
"Innervisions? I thought you said Innovations." #130story

Show how in the last 12 months you have shown innovation at work? Each year the same question about his performance. Hardly new! #130story