masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)


Tommy would eat
Till felt himself full
He'd eat anything
Placed where sat
An eating whirlpool
Till one day
Someone went missing
Oh dear; the family cat

Full” by PaulPJB, 11 Oct 18

The pan of soup was meant for 4. Billy was starving and didn't know. The pan now empty, but his belly isn't anymore. #130story

When even the morning is dusk
And the trees hang limply
Sodden by the incessant rain,
I feel uplifted by you.
My heart full of life
And my head full of plans.

The little green means full. A simple and boring fact but those little green lights are everywhere now. Oh, a flashing red light. Excuse me while I recharge

Ada looked around her
Friends and family in the room
Bitter sweet memories stung her eyes
Tom was everywhere
Her heart was full

Just a minute
Is all you need
Your creativity
Needs a daily feed

Not matter how full
Your schedule do be
You'll find that minute
That minute that's free