masthead image - an open book


(10 stories)

..'Syseng'..the word dissolved replaced with her, evolved, revolving form, opening arms, a shout abrupt..Syra awoke from her dream @130story

With no one left to wind their mechanisms, one by one the clocks wound down; a slowing cascade of time gently coming to an end @130story

Wind” by idiotjed, 3 Oct 13

Would anyone hear if I stood atop a lofty height? Maybe just might. Doesn't matter what the volume, I love you more than mushrooms @130story

Wind” by kathryn83, 3 Oct 13

The sea, like a vast window looking down on oblivion. At it's center the speck of a raft, whose occupant prayed for a gust of wind @130story

Wind” by hill79, 2 Oct 13

....the typewriter began to wind up the clacking to a frenzied exploded..keys flying..a word was formed....@130story

The letter, having delivered its dagger now fell, tear-spotted and torn, snatched by the autumn wind, away; another dead leaf. @130story

Exploring space with her cat as company, looking out at planets & asteroids they sped past. was her dream. The Event changed it. @130story

Commodore thinks he breathes it first but quarter-deck gets atmosphere second hand from sailors on forecastle. Head winds prevail. @130story

Wind” by ggarchar, 2 Oct 13

The gull saw its target below, dropped its load. Genetic tinkering had made it lethal. The man was dead. Wind swept the bird away. @130story

As the wind hit the sails she became more than just a vessel carrying him to better shores. She came alive and breathed with him. @130story