masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Where has it gone? I've been carrying it for ages, then he took it and threw it away! What is that all about? I loved that stick. @130story

Up” by sysengshep, 29 Oct 13

As he turned away she stared daggers at the back of his head, biting her tongue to stop herself from telling him where to stick it @130story

Before long a fierce contest rose among them concerning feet and inches; they cracked each other's sconces with their yard-sticks. @130story

Up” by ggarchar, 29 Oct 13

Karl burst into the bank- "IT'S A STICK UP!". He clawed for his weapon but the sun had melted his 3D-printed gun to its holster @130story

Up” by jtruk, 29 Oct 13

Nervously stepping into the elevator I was made aware of one final chilling revelation. The entire floor was sticky and crimson. @130story

Up” by TeeOhBee, 29 Oct 13

Two stout sticks bound together into a cross mark his final resting place. A simple grave, for a great man of simple means. @130story

Up” by hill79, 29 Oct 13