masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

No matter what he had, Gordon always wanted something else, something different. The grass always looks greener. #130story

When traders pound the Pound,
and the dollar's sent to cents;
when you're owed a pile of euros,
it creates a yen for the Yen. #130story

Yen” by ipswicher, 4 Dec 17

Zyuranger stories to Power Rangers loses a fair bit in translation. About as much as Sterling to Yen is now. Drastically #130story

As the village YENta, she should know when the gossip is about her. The village would waste no time to ridicule her #130story

Maltloaf would do most things for love,but he won't do that.
Not even for all the tea in Japan or yen in China, and that's a fact!

Yen” by JauntyFish, 4 Dec 17

I have a yen for
Lemsip, Benylin, Vicksticks
and hankies galore.


As the corpses of the children decay, AnchimaYEN emerge to do battle for the sorcerer and his clan #130story


He bounced on stage
I have yen for sushi
Who feels same as me
Now has braying show
On prime time BBC
Matter of taste to a degree

Yen” by PaulPJB, 5 Dec 17

I have a yen to go to Tokyo ... I don’t think it will be enough

Yen” by mortelover, 5 Dec 17