masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

"I thought you were my constant," she said. "Just like Penny was Desmond's constant. But now I know there's no such thing. There's too much change, happening all the time, inside all of us. Nothing is permanent. Not even ourselves."

If there was one thing the last few weeks had taught Siobhan, it was that nothing is constant. Except change. And taxes. #130story


I'm always there
Like the morning star
I am the constant presence
Where outside broadcasts are
Mouthing hello Mum
Or chomping inanely on a Mars Bar

The pain she suffered was constant, it was the one thing in life she could rely on . Oh! that and the pleasure of chocolate. #130story

Trump.. A man whose values are constantly dredging the bottom of his swamp. Deep. Deeper. He goes. #130story

The speed of light
Constant? No
Einstein theorised
Now, NASA proved it so

If light speed isn't constant
The universe is in flux
An infinity of waves
For spacetime surfing duck's

Workplace cuts were constant
Down to one Mcvities at break
They're truly taking the biscuit
For Bill it wasn't easily digestived.
