masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

After thousands of Ctrl+C Alt+Tab Ctrl+V Alt+Tab repeat, Siobhan suddenly stopped. No more copying and pasting people's data. #130story

Extra hard squeeze in a morning haste.
Expelling too much minty toothpaste.
What a flipping messy financial waste. #130story

They said it was meat
It looked like paste
I decided it wasn't meat
After my first and only taste


Aliens arrived suddenly
Simply materialising
From outer space
Were asked if used
Atom transfer technology
They replied not
Simply cut and paste

Paste” by PaulPJB, 15 May 18

Got to do some decoration
Got fed up with our taste
In a world of innovation
Cant wait till we can copy and paste.
Be much easier

"We'll paper any room in an hour
Look, we've got striped, plain or flower"
On your doorbell they rang
"We're Paste the wall gang."
