masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

The hammer met its target, sealing the lid and fate of the person trapped inside. It was indeed the final nail in the coffin. @130story

Nail” by Rufuslll, 3 Dec 13

To this day he'd been unable to fathom why the previous owner of the house had seen fit to drive nails into the side of every door @130story

These weren't just shelves. Bespoke design and built to last: glue and a screw, belt and braces, not a nail in sight. Thanks, Dad. @130story

Nail” by edbroom, 4 Dec 13

His children called him, it was guy fawkes night, he thought of systems and anarchy as he nailed the catherine wheel to the fence. @130story

Deaf to any denial of wrong-doing and all agonized screams, they'd begun by taking his nails. He was innocent, but he confessed. @130story

Nail” by hill79, 3 Dec 13

It had always been difficult, but this time she had really nailed it. This time it would work and the consequences truly awesome @130story

The nail whined under the teeth of the crowbar and snapped with a pop. The lid sprang open and the air filled with a golden light. @130story

Nail” by ggarchar, 4 Dec 13