masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

Love is...

That bump in the night when stars collide and planets form.


She fluttered her hand in front of her like a Regency lady delicately fanning. In reality she was overcome by his terrible Cologne #130story

I helped father-in-law install his DairyMatic 101. Power on. We ran for cover as it bashed and churned and crashed and burned. #130story

Her ship crashed upon a barren earth. She endured four hundred million years before humans arrived and, fearing her, buried her

Colin crashed in to Caroline in the corridor. A few 'crashes' later and the bump started to show. A very happy accident indeed #130story

As the car crashed into the tree, she had what seemed like minutes of lucid thought.. her regrets, joys, her loved ones, her life #130story

Under a blazing cerulean sky they sat still;each absorbed by their own stories.As the temperature rose they crashed into the pool. #130story

Kelly had no energy. She had been running on sugar and cakes for far too long. When her adrenaline desserted her, she crashed. #130story