masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

One whole year to read just one book. My thanks to the Arts Council. I'm delighted to be the first recipient of the Ulysses Grant. #130story

Grant” by edbroom, 28 Jul 17


If you had one wish to grant?
If you had one blessing to grant?
What would it be?
Would you be selfish?
Or selfless in majesty?

Grant” by PaulPJB, 28 Jul 17

If you had one wish to grant?
If you had one blessing to grant?
What would it be?
Would you be selfish?
Or selfless generosity?

Grant” by PaulPJB, 28 Jul 17

I'll grant you this
With an eternal kiss
I'm in love's jaws
Forever yours

Not 130 characters but when you're done, you're done

Grant grants grants. Some grants omit vital details. Grant doesn't grant those grants. Grants that Grant does grant are granted. #130story

The Genie looked at me all confused when all I asked him to grant me was to "remove these damn itchy haemorrhoids" #130story

I was one of the lucky ones-a student grant for each year at university.Meritocracy over aristocracy.Something worth having.#130story

Grant was granted a grant from Graduate Grants and was grateful and graduated with a masterly masters in alliteration algorithms #130story

I will grant your fondest wish, he said to the girl.. his eyes twinkled hypnotically & beads of eager sweat appeared on his nose #130story