masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)


One time punk band
The Rapid Neutrons
Had one single
Rapid Vapidity
Reached Number Seventy
Quite ironic

Rapid” by PaulPJB, 4 Mar 18

Saccadic Intrusion

Falling asleep again.
Dreaming each other's dreams.
Falling asleep again.
Nothing is what it seems.


A bird was in the room. It flew at the window, its wings beating a rapid tattoo. Her heartbeat echoed. Fear bound them together. #130story

Hooray, temperature is rising. The melt is rapid and now the waters are lapping at our door frames. Something real to moan about. #130story

I'm rapidly losing height
The ground
Looming in my vision
Falling feels like flying
In retrospect
Jumping was a poor decision

Why was he running rapidly
When everyone else was still
He’d just joined a new free gym
And they only had one treadmill

The lentil soup was fibre dense. Soaking in the bath was tricky, his rubber duck was almost white water rafting on the rapids #130story

Rapid Ronny
A music hall star
His downfall
The theatre bar