masthead image - an open book


(10 stories)


In supposed Information age
Where everyone's a publisher
Is there a wish for proper explaining
Or rushed glanced commenting

Comments re hotel room

1.Can lie in bed & change channel with toe.

2.If only had kept up yoga, could prolly also…

"It's hard work isn't it? Never seen so much snow in Exeter before!"
"No, hard work but pretty. I wish I owned a sk…

I'm bored. It's late. There's no sound but the silence of a dark night. I pick up my phone, log into Twitter and start commenting. #130story

I reckon Barry
Should go to Paris.

Johns mum gave him a backhand
It made poor John wince
Don’t speak if you can’t say something nice
Johns never spoke…

It had started with him commenting on her posts. That led to DM-ing, texting, and talking. Now he was waiting for her at the park. #130story

Barry raced home to get his passport. He polled his friends and followers to help decide where to go. He read every…

The commentator’s commentary was not worthy of comment. He used too many words to say nothing of value. Rather like this #130story

"You okay, my dear? You look lost." A friendly voice called from somewhere.
Angela shook herself & looked for the s…