masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

"The tooth fairy didn't come, daddy. The tooth fairy didn't come."
Another morning, another indictment of my terrible parenting.

The whole thing is a sham. Not even my teeth are real, I got them when I moved here. 32 inverse dominoes jostling for attention. @130story

I put my wobbled-out tooth under the hall rug like Mum said. I caught her later - retrieving it and burying it in a plant pot. @130story

The tooth of the comb dug into her head, as her wicked stepmother told her the lies that would make her stronger.@130story

Best to be in Denplan on this estate. Miss a payment and Denzil, aka The Dentist, visits with his pliers. He chooses the tooth. @130story

Tooth” by edbroom, 20 Sep 16

My son often tells me that I'm showing signs of early onset Alzheimer's.
My reply was "Don't worry because I'm too long in the...

Unseen people held me in the chair. The needle in my arm. Oblivion. Later, my tears over, my teeth gone, my mouth alien and empty. @130story

At dental school, on qualifying, we swore to tell the tooth, and nothing but the tooth, so help your gob @130story

The old crone's grin was toothless.
"For a silver coin, I'll tell you what the future holds."
He walked away, too afraid to hear.