masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

His friends considered him an utter failure but they didn't know what he did when he entered the spacetime vortex in his bedroom

"For my best man. Has everything. Needs bringing down a peg."
It eyed me from behind the counter.
"Fool. Failure is not a potion." #130story

Wile E Coyote Safe

My failure to grasp weights and measures means things are often smaller in real life than they…

Her daughter considered herself a failure. Despite her top grades and creative personality. She was 11 and just wanted to fit in #130story

Open your bag, clasp and box. Bait hook and sit.
1 hour, 2, 3, 4, 5. Close box, clasp and bag.
Why do fish ignore your lure? #fail

Alarm set for 7.40am. I'm up feeding animals at 6.35am. My body clock has a failure to communicate with my phone effectively. #130story

This is a chance to learn
An opportunity to turn
Failure into success
Rip it up
Start again
Make a mess
Find out what works best

Fred felt a failure because he farted whilst proposing to Felicity. She told him not to worry and said it would blow over #130story