masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

I'm starting
A movement
Beer bellies
Socks, sandles
Standing up for
British values
You lads
Follow me…

#130story She held her breath; no sound other than the ticking of the clock. There! An unmistakeable sign of movement behind the curtain.

Seemingly endless rows of days; often soul-crushingly uniform. Perpetual movement through time with no other choice but forward. #130story

Was movement I saw
In the hay at Cantley
Jeff an one more
Caught in flagrante
His reply by and by
"Tis no strife
Fur she's m'wife"

The movement starts slowly
My feet tap a rhythm
And I'm on my feet
This feeling cannot be topped
And the funk
Cannot be stopped

My bag: 2 marmalade sandwiches, 5lbs white powder, 21 coathangers, 1 bottle of bubbly. The bus movement will create odd confetti. #130story

A 45 yr old with a slipped disc in his spine, should know better than to drunken breakdance at a funeral. His granny was upset #130story

A brief moment of movement and Max was back on the sofa, pizza, crisps & beer in hand, footy onTV. Oh Max, get off your arse mate #130story