masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

The airplane blocked out the daylight. Barry stood in line, showed his passport, waited another 2 hours and boarded. #130story

Sarah felt the scones were successful, spread out on the counter all nice and hot from the oven, smelling delicious…

Trumps tweet - Successful day of bombing
World - Holy sweet mother of god (insert your own choice of Lord here and pray)

Angela's first attmept to open the envelope was was not successful. She tugged at it again - it yielded. A name, in…

Over the trails and into the woods, the determined black Lab quickly tracked a scent under thick cover of ice pelle…

He smiled in their faces, before a stand off that lasted for hours. The fog lifted and he'd vanished, another successful escape.



What do you need to be successful
Long term mission statement
A go getting attitude
Or a clean shirt
And mild smelling deodorant

In a world of extravagance
How to measure success
A life full of money?
A life void of stress?
I’d go for the latter

Eyes wide open
Tears streaming
Hours later....
Contact lens insertion successful