masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

She wanted to be published
Just to see her words online
So she wrote lots of eBooks
Constructive with her time.

My first foray into the Bodleian Library..... books brought up from the 'stacks' and access to so many rare published books. #130story

Wrote a novel
Never got published
It was rudly rubbished
An adventure
The Secret Life Of Mould
Best seller missed

Noon Saturday
Billy's signing published memoirs
Maggie's pub lunching in-laws
Me, oh struggling to lock
A public convenience door.

Publish, he thought
It's a great report
Yet it amounted to nought
All public money
It isn't funny
Poor Sir Reginald Bunny


After months of hard work, the site was perfect. Within 1 minute of being published, a comment: Spelling mistake in first line. #130story

We all want to be published, but not in the Evening Chronicle, passed out in the gutter, pissy pants and pizza box as a pillow #130story

#BritishLibrary (top lender) has every book published in the UK and Ireland. My TBR pile is just shy of 388 miles high #130story #amreading

Peter was published at 27 which surprised him as he lived at No 44 #crapjokebutbestIcandotoday #sorry #130story