masthead image - an open book


(13 stories)

Breathing through the pain he focused on a single, cold droplet working its way down the back of his neck at a glac…

The tensions of Christmas
Are still being felt
Now the spending is over
It’s time to tighten the belt.

Tensions are high as the Toon's league position goes lower. I've given up on football but check the score when no one is watching. #130story


Overloaded with stress
You feeling bold
Cut out the tensions
By twirling and flirting
In a cocktail dress
Or so I'm told

You can cut the tension in the air. Pass me the oxyacetylene welding gear.. It's going to be a long day. #130story

Cruise shoes, Yankee Candles, patterned towels, retro jumpers, kitchen gadgets and granny buses. There’s 10% off at Boundary Mill. #130story

The most heavenly
music minutely precedes
the severed harp string.


Mentions and tensions
It's the Twitter way
I've made a resolution
On this, the 6th day

To my #130story friends
I w…

The tension. The battle of frozen fingers vs frozen windscreen. Who will win? Stayed tuned. #130story

He had checked the tensions
The ropes were all tight
Many damned sinners
Would swing tonight


Spider’s web in frost grizzled grass
Icy barbed wire on the fence
The space between us
Where only our steamy breath joins

Since xmas, there has been some proper tension in the elastic of his pants. One false move, and Bill could be arserested. #130story

I only said "I'd prefer your hair longer, maybe you could get some extensions."
"What like her."
Oh my days, the Ex…